Tuesday, December 13, 2005

a good read
... i've just finished reading the case for a creator and the case for faith. both are pretty amazing. i never quite caught onto the lee strobel phenomenon until now, and now i understand why. he is just so exceptionally skilled at weaving possibly dry and tedious rhetoric into stories with a real sense of personal involvement. i would recommend them to anyone with questions about the topics of the existence and goodness of God and the roles of creation and humanity.

the case for a creator expecially blew my mind away. As a genX-er who grew up thinking that there is no rational or scientific response against the arguments of evolutionists and atheists other than "well... you just have to have faith...", this book unveiled the reality of romans 1:20:

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

it's just a revolutionary book for me. there is, of course, plenty of other literature out there that explains the fallacy of evolutionism, explaining that all of its major tenents are loosely based on still unproved theories, and some even outright lies and scams. and it (along with the case for faith) shows that the reality and truth of God and his creation will ALWAYS be revealed to anyone who earnestly seeks. in fact, many top scientists and experts have become christians precisely because they have saught to understand the natural universe and discovered the creator's fingerprints...