Friday, December 08, 2006

* bad girl *
i'm being a very bad girl right now. it's past midnight, and i have a final tomorrow morning (or should i say this morning?) and i'm not studying. well, i am. but i'm taking a wee little break to blog about nothing. just to tell you that i'm not doing what i'm supposed to be doing.

in the past few weeks as i've really had to kick my brainpower into high gear, i've realized that i cannot concentrate. i feel like i've already wasted so many precious hours by doing nothing. like now. i don't know whether it's my deteriorating brain (BrainAge tells me i'm 58 or something like that....), or just lack of discipline. i think it's the latter and i'm just looking for an excuse.

oh, and i just wanted to clarify that the first photo in my previous post is the tree at rockefeller centre in new york city. in case you didn't know. it's a small photo.

ok. back to the grind.