Sunday, September 14, 2003

*almost over*
the long weekend is almost over. believe it or not, i'm actually ready to go back to work. there are actually things (that i enjoy) to do, and i know my days at kely are numbered. i want to treasure them, and make the most of them while i'm still there. my cousin tonight tried to convince me to wait until the economy gets better, until i find another job, until i really REALLY hate my job, before i quit. i didn't have the heart to tell her that i've already decided.

that's the thing with my family. they are so painfully... chinese. practical, sensible, always says and does the right thing in front of company, holds high esteem for wealth prestige reputation face... but so lost. i couldn't even begin to explain to her that i'm actually relying on God to provide because i've heard a calling, and that i'm not working, even now, for money or stability, but simply to do HIS will. she wouldn't understand. none of that is anywhere near her worldview or frame of mind. it would be like speaking gibberish to her. so i just nodded and 'um hmm'ed and ate my shark's fin soup.... one day...

*light reading*
in case anyone out there is void of anything worthwhile to read, go check out my friend ed's blog. this is not ed read. this is my friend ed ng (or 'buff ed' as derek likes to call him) from vancouver, who works at karen's old school. if you like obscure literary references (or even obvious lotr references) then this will definately entertain you.