Monday, January 01, 2007

welcome to 2007... may you find the strength and courage to follow your dreams, and fulfill the awesome plans that God has for your life.
may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, o lord my rock and my redeemer. ~ psalm 19:14
here's to a year of new songs, new creations & creativity, and new adventures!

on a less festive note, i've been sick for the last 3 days and there's no signs of the bug backing off. i still have papers to finish and a flat to clean and bags to pack and a plane to board in 3 days' time. i'm knackered all the time and my head has been stuck in a perpetual cloud of fuzz, with intermittent intense throbbing at rather inconvenient times.

so i'm sorry if i've been a bit anti-social... inside i was in a much more festive mood, but i just didn't have the energy to show it. ack. ok, back to my lame-o research proposal....