Tuesday, June 17, 2008

* morning sickness et.al. *
i reckon since i have only been to queen mary (public hospital) for emergency and the early pregnancy clinic meant for "at risk" pregnancies for a few weeks, i would wait until i actually see what the regular antenatal clinic is like to pass my judgements about private vs. public.

instead, i think i'm going to log some of the symptoms i've had so far, since that is the most commonly asked question these days. however, as all mothers would know (and non-mothers don't know), pregnancy symptoms go way, wayyyyyyy beyond morning sickness. i mean, so far beyond that no projectile vomit could reach.

these are some of the symptoms i've had since around week 5, when we found out we were pregnant, and still have up til now:

- sore boobs
- EXTREME fatigue (as in i can't get my day started til around 1pm)
- dodgy stomach (a combination of feelings of heaviness, nausea, hunger pains, fullness, and discomfort)
- extreme hunger
- constant sour after taste in my mouth
- lots of gas (joy)
- random hives (started around week 10)

this is all on top of the volcano field that is my forehead since i stopped taking the pill, and my pot belly that started showing almost right from the start. and yes, it's a pot belly, not the baby. the baby isn't meant to show until around week 13 or 14.

fyi, i'm at week 13 now.

so i'm just fat. but y'all welcome to rub my fat if you really want.