Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ok, so this is more for my family and anyone else who wants to know what's happening with Ethan these days. hopefully i can keep this up regularly so you don't miss any of his cuteness!

the most significant milestone was definately 2 nights ago, when Ethan slept for over 6 hours!! before that, he went a couple of nights for 5 hours. derek and i were both shocked, but it's definately not a regular occurrence yet. last night he went back to waking up every 3 hours for a feed. another trade off for him sleeping longer at night is more frequent feedings during the day, as he still needs the calories. but we are seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and i'm looking forward to the day when Ethan can sleep through the night regularly.

being almost 11 weeks old, he's also starting to "talk" a lot more. it's really really cute, and sometimes he even makes noise that sounds almost like real words! we can see that he's definately trying to communicate more with "words" rather than just crying, and it really is cute. have i mentioned that before? he's really really cute :)

he's also learning to use his hands more. while he still can't quite grab stuff yet, he can hold onto things for a few seconds if you put it in his hands. and he can clasp his hands together and sometimes push things into his mouth with both hands. he's also started to suck on his fists. it's only a matter of time before he discovers his thumbs.... we don't mind though because it seems to calm him and as long as his hands are clean, we say suck away!