Wednesday, February 25, 2009

* these moments *
ever since our little bundle of joy arrived, people have told us to treasure this time when they are small. after three months, i now know what they are talking about. i've found myself getting emotional at very mundane moments of just holding ethan at home, and thinking that there will come a day when i wouldn't be able to hold him like this. it really is so precious and i wish i could freeze these moments when he's calm and nuzzles his face into my neck and i can stroke his cheek with my cheek... i don't want him to get any bigger!!

and since becoming a mother, i've suddenly become very well-versed in baby talk and coming up with nicknames for our little guy. here are some of them:

- my boo/boo boo
- snuggle bug (because he really is very deh... how does one translate that accurately?)
- sweet cheeks
- my little sausage roll (when i swaddle him)
- gorgeous
- cutie pie

so what's new? it's ethan's 3-month birthday today!! some of the milestones/things we noticed about him over the past few weeks:

- he's starting to enjoy tummy time more! he's able to hold his head up and look around now!
- he has discovered his mouth and saliva and now loves licking/sucking on anything that comes near his mouth, which is usually his fists and sophie la girafe.
- he's been holding his hands together and using his fists to push things into his mouth (not always with much accuracy, i have to say), and it won't be long before he actually realizes he has hands.
- he LOVES his swing with a mobile of sea creatures. whenever we put him in the swing, he just stares gleefully at the whale, sea turtle, and fish going round and round.
- he is (mostly) sleeping through the night now! since last week, he's been sleeping consistently for 6-7 hours straight! PTL!!
- also last week, we finally made the switch from newborn diapers to size small :)
- he is real chatty these days, and makes the cutest cooing and gurgling sounds.