Monday, July 28, 2003

the call burns
consumes me and all that i am
here we leave these tendrils of what we were to
stagger into the secret dark of love's deep dream

*midnight ramblings*
i can't utter much these days. i need the help of little words on little strips of magnets. i've never been much of a poet or writer of any sort, but i've always felt like i could be. only when it comes down to me and the pen, nothing seems to happen. that's one reason why i was never too good at keeping a journal. it helps now that technology has progressed, because i think i type faster than i can write. my problem is my thoughts always seem to escape me before i can get them on paper. derek says i have "swiss cheese memory." but the holes... they're usually the stuff that don't need to stick around in my memory. i mean, God has swiss cheese memory too doesn't he? he's chosen to forget - chosen not to remember - our sins, all the ugly stuff that nailed him to the cross, when we walked through that door of faith. so i don't feel so bad. i'm trying to be more like God. forgive, forget. see the shining star behind every blemished soul. sometimes it takes a bit more effort to see the original, authentic creation that was supposed to be. but how amazing it is when we do! that moment of clarity should be what drives us to be Jesus to everyone. Jesus saw that in everyone. he always had time, even for the dirty prostitute, the despised tax collector, the lowly fisherman, the little old me. amazing this grace is.

my saving grace
my endless love
deeper and deeper
i'm falling in love with you
my one desire
my only truth
deeper and deeper
i'm falling in love with you

~ saving grace by michelle fragar