Monday, August 16, 2004

*i believe in miracle doors*
church (i'm so tempted to start calling it "our House"...) was an emotional trip yesterday. we were bombed with the news that one of our kids, jacob, was suddenly admitted to hospital over the weekend and diagnosed with leukemia. leukemia. i couldn't stop the tears from coming as we prayed for him and his family... i didn't really understand why i was so struck by the news, since i don't even really know jacob or his family very well. i've only actually spoken to him once, when i helped out with an outing. from what i've heard, he's a bit of a handful in class, but i've always had a soft spot for "difficult" children. my heart broke when i heard the news. i couldn't imagine what it was like for his parents, his sister, for him. does he understand what is happening to him? does he understand what WILL happen to him? i could only pray that there is special grace in the relationship that young children have with God that we adults can't fully understand, and that he knows that his Father in heaven has him firmly in His hands and is loving him like no other.

tony asked us before he let out the news, if we were a family. yes, we are. and as a family, i believe everything that happens is interrelated, and that the same God watches over every member of the family with the same care and attention. mandy shared another miracle this week in our journey to build the vine center. in the midst of getting the space ready to start renovation, the problem of having a big enough door to move in furniture came up, and we thought we had come up against a wall when we were told that it would take an extra 10 days to build different size door.

we could not afford a 10 day delay.

but as the construction worker began work, first in knocking down an old wall, he discovered that, lo and behold, there was a perfectly intact and useable glass door inside the wall! this means we do not need to do 10 extra days of work, but in fact, saved time because there is already a door we can use!!

this same miracle God who is telling us once again that there is no wall that can stand in his way, but that he OPENS DOORS in places where we think there is only a wall, is also the one who watches over little jacob. that is why, ultimately, i am not fearful. i know that our Father loves his family dearly, and He will open a door at the right time in the midst of this illness which we think is an impossible wall by human standards.