Friday, April 21, 2006

*the adventures of a cripple*

so i was trying to take a shower yesterday because we had a wedding to go to, so i figured it would be nice to be clean.... i've been avoiding getting into the shower unless absolutely necessary this past week because it usually involves too much effort and pain to justify a daily visit. i mean, i had a shower yesterday, and my hair wasn't THAT greasy yet... but whatever, it was a wedding.

so i get into the shower, and totally pk'd. i smacked my elbow on the porcelain soap dish (in the same spot that i smacked it on yesterday), fell flat on my tailbone in the tub, and managed to take a chunk of flesh out of my finger. THAT'S why i don't get in the shower everyday....

then of course i have to actually get ready for the wedding. derek had worship practice that he didn't know about, so i had to do it on my own. what should i wear? i mean, exactly what kind of evening attire would go well with a massive plastic blue and grey robo-boot... exactly? and exactly what kind of shoes - er, i mean shoe - would match it? i decided if i was going to do it, i might as well go all out, so i wore the silver heels - heel - i wore at my wedding. let me tell you, getting out of my half-sized door in one heel and crutches is not an easy task. and crutches and a clutch definately do not go together. i get downstairs and what does the guard say to me?

are you going to the doctor's?

WHAT?? yes, i usually go see my doctor at 8pm, dressed in a champagne gown and silver heels - heel - and pearl earrings.