Monday, May 01, 2006

*something new*

ok so i'm sick of looking at my last post som i'm going to post just for the sake of changing scenery.

what's new? not much. i can kind of walk now without crutches, except i kind of look like i've got something very large stuck up my butt.... niiiice.

the vine's live worship CD recording in 4 days!!! so absolutely thrilled out of my mind. i don't think any of us would have realistically thought that we would be at this stage 2 years ago. 2 years ago, we were still meeting at the regal hotel basement, with about 60 people on an average sunday service. flight852 (then SNA) was still meeting at the methodist church basement (we spent a lot of time in basements...), and 180 was going through our 'desert' stage at the fringe club in lankwaifong, with an average of about 15 non-leaders each saturday. we soon moved to music room live that summer and saw a reassuring rise in people as students returned for the summer.

i was helping tom and jacinta lead SNA, but took a month hiatus as i had to go to shanghai because i was working on a hollywood movie as the tutor for cameron bright. the month in shanghai was great, and it was great money :) as the will of God would have it, that 5-month phase of my life brought in enough money for me to volunteer at mother's choice and later at the vine.

how far we have all come in 2 years.

how incredible are God's plans when we forget ourselves BELIEVE His word and step out in faith....