Sunday, September 19, 2004

*the beginning of the end?*
i dreamt of armegeddon last night, and then i was woken by the sound of an atomic bomb dropping on hongkong at 7am.... which turned out to be just really loud thunder.

i also dreamt about the welcomers... i was so excited about the first service at the vine center that i had crazy dreams about it all night, and woke up earlier than i had in a very long time for church.... in my impatience i ended up taking a cab instead of waiting for the #9, and paid dearly for it. there was some random road blockade going onto des veoux rd, so the taxi ended up having to drive all the way around wanchai and onto connaught rd. instead... cost me $34 instead of the $2.5 if i had had the patience to wait for the bus!!

but i was glad i got there sooner than later.... the buzz was incredible and everyone knew it. the tabernacle looked more amazing than last night (when, by the way, we stayed til past midnight cleaning up) once the full band had set up and the backlights were on.... *shivers* and the full stagelights haven't even been put up yet! now before anyone gets legalistic on me, i know church isn't about how pretty the walls are, but there's something to be said about appreciating the physical House of God, especially when i know full well all the prayers, prophecies, and promises that have been put on this place (i'm really not trying to alliterate here). it's like being able to appreciate the male or female body when it's well crafted, in the purest and most platonic sense. anyway, one day when i figure how to get pictures on this thing, i'll show the before and after, within a matter of days..... such a simple yet grand joy. Dad sure cares about the details.