Monday, July 13, 2009

* ethan is officially not a newborn anymore! *
i know it's been ages since i updated about ethan's progress. but what can i say, i've been busy. so sue me!

i'll make this quick, since i don't have a lot of time. he's now 7 months!! and i have decisively concluded that he is no longer a newborn. yes, there are several things which have led me to this conclusion.

1. he has started crawling. since about 6 months, he's been attempting various versions of crawling, and have now almost mastered it (if given enough space)!

2. he has started eating solids!! i started him 1 week before his 6th month birthday. he now eats about 2T. of cereal with 2 cubes of pureed fruit/veg. twice a day. i'll probably move him to 3 meals a day in about 2 weeks. so far, he's loved everything i've given him, with the exception of bananas. if i hide it real well in other stuff, he'll still eat it :)

3. he's started pulling himself to standing since his 7th month birthday! i find this shocking as he's only just barely started crawling. but he's been eager to stand for a long time, as he's always pushing with his legs when we hold him (ever since he was about 5 months).

4. i think he's starting to go from 3 naps a day to 2. it's been about 2 days, so we'll see if this continues. his naps are still generally only 30minutes. wish he would nap for 1-2 hours like other normal babies!!

5. his first tooth has sprouted!! although you still can't really see anything, if you put your finger on his gums you can definitely feel a little hard tooth popping out!

thus comes the end of this post. the little mister is squealing for his mummy :)