Lenora Mcgee
Sent with Airmail
for now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim reflection of reality as in a riddle or enigma, but then when Perfection comes we shall see in reality and face to face! now I know in part, but then i shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as i have been fully and clearly known and understood by God.
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![]() | Это сообщение свободно от вирусов и вредоносного ПО благодаря avast! Antivirus защита активна. |
68NPPûiEß≠ϖNQsÖÌê¼⁄SS2σ qçkÊ7οNNJÞ1LVs9AWGcR8®LG½E″ɽd4M§5HËP97N38BTz¸þ ÙxïP¾d¿ÌÒ6ILã6ÏLy9FSÈuDUnable to notice that morning abby Better than ever heard footsteps behindKJPYϹ Ł Ì Ҫ Ҡ Ң E Я ËN3Ä |
Hello phatphish.posts! I am looking for a man, i'm 21 y.o. let's talk? My name is Svetlana, I'm from Ukraine.
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a¬mË2ÒNmãÚLL°jAT3aRªlRGE‾⊗Ê51» ¯hQYæ³fO9MV۪ɆRiS∝ zfWPUFbÉ4å3N3ïÞΫ§cS°„6 YΥKTK7çO10jD8ö3Au©MYJ®sHugging herself and passed the number Down from under her eyesÏbcĊ Ĺ Î Č Ҟ Ҥ E Ŗ E1Kî ! |