something about new things that gets me all giddy... i think most people are like that. having something new-to-me, even if it's old to someone else, is like seeing snowfall for the first time as a child. there's magic in whatever that new thing is. it could even be something as simple as a new pen. words just somehow flow from its tip more fluidly than an old one. so tom's finally handed over his ibook to me, and now i sit amazed that i have the world at my fingertips.... such infantile joy!
as silly as it seems, i've longed for this moment. many things these past few weeks have hung on the anticipation for this new toy. not having to wait in line for a computer at work, being able to check (and reply!) my emails without feeling guilty, having time and a place to discuss my thoughts through blogging.... yes it's true. i used to write in a journal (i still do sometimes), but i've never been a very good writer. my hand could never move fast enough to record my thoughts before they disappeared again. but i can type fast. and now having been a member of the blog world for a little while, i see it as not a place to make myself heard or validate myself (although of course it is that too) but an outlet for me to sort out the contents of my mind. kinda funny, but there have been many times in the last few weeks when i felt really frustrated because i don't know what i'm feeling or thinking, and it's because i haven't been able to really write. my traditional journal is full of unfinished thoughts and half entries. the hope that comes with my very own computer is that i can take the time to unload my head and sort its contents into coherent words. maybe then i'll be able to see a bit more clearly where i'm going.... something about being able to write, to record thoughts, to remember the roads we have been on....
keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. say to wisdom, "you are my sister," and call understanding your kinsman... ~ proverbs 7:2-4